I’m not even going to pretend that I’m a glamourous kind of gal. 99.9% of the time, I’m in my standard work attire (pj’s or track pants), I’ve got absolutely no make-up on, my hair is pulled back and I generally look tired. Kind of like this.
You think I’d be embarrassed to post this, but I’m not. I’ve done it before over here, because I think it’s unrealistic to expect we’re going to look like beauty queens 24/7, plus life is a whole lot more entertaining when you can laugh at yourself.
But when I go out, or travel, or meet someone for business, I like to bring it. Why? Because I don’t get out very often people! Working from home does not exactly demand your best everyday, so when the opportunity arises I seize it! The same is true when I need to send out a head shot for a guest blog, or put my picture on my business card. Let’s just say, I’m not relying on my 7 year old. *cough cough*
For the pictures that show me in my best light, I rely on CL Buchanan. Want to know why? Check this out.
I see you scrutinizing the picture above and the one below. That is in fact the very same person. Trust me.
So is this one.
Now here’s the fun part, CL is at Blogher this year and she has a great opportunity for you to bring your A game in your avatar, or on your business card, or to hold up in front of your face while you’re on Skype in your pajamas. Really the possibilities are endless.
Want more amazing evidence of CL’s photographs? Check out this special page she’s created for BlogHer ’12, then BOOK YOUR SESSION here.
And…not going to lie…that is for shizzle not the best pic of you…merely because of the angle…
You are always beautiful…Inside and out..
Luv CL and her magic camera…
LOL, thanks Dee 🙂 It’s a terrible frickin’ picture that’s what makes it so fun. I love CL too. You said it perfect….”her magic camera” 🙂
I love you both! I also love that picture of you well both the pictures of you. Cheers ladies and I’ll see you in NYC.Â
I love her mad photography skills. Â Great that she is offering packages for BlogHer.Â
I’d love to be glammed up by CL Buchanan magic camera!
You should really make a point of it. Her photos are incredible!