I may be mistaken but isn’t Halloween supposed to be creepy, scary, otherworldly even? It is, after all the day when the dead are supposed to roam the earth if we go back to it’s origins. Sure, we’ve morphed it into a day when people dress up and get candy at strangers doors, but it’s still about the about the eerie, right? So what I want to know is, when did it turn into a porn movie? I mean, are we all just walking around eagerly awaiting the day we can bring our sexy back? If you look at the costumes from age seven up for girls and women, it would certainly seem so. You name it, it can be “sexy-fied”. Feel like being Chuckles the clown? Then make sure you wear your push up bra, because Chuckles really wanted to be a ho, don’t you know?
I’m not going to lie. I really don’t care if dressing sexy is your thing on Halloween. Heck, if I was ever into Halloween, which I’m not, I probably would have worn the “bad nurse” costume when my body did everything a 20 year old body should. Probably even into my 30s. We’re all adults, right? If you’re going to an adult party, go as you please.
Here’s a question though? Would you feel comfortable wearing that costume in front of your kids? I mean I have sexy things that only my husband sees and I would be just a teensy bit uncomfortable standing in my corset talking to my kids as if nothing were going on. The Halloween costumes of today aren’t too far removed from my lingerie drawer. I try to set an example for my kids. It’s why I slather on the sunblock now. It’s why I recycle, buy organic produce and try to buy natural shampoos and soaps. It’s all in the little things, right? So, I’m asking this next question in all seriousness. What are we saying as women when you can walk into a Halloween store and 95% of the costumes for women could also be found at your local sex shop? Are we going to start taking our kids there for a little Saturday morning shopping too?
Ultimately though, what really bothers me is the total acceptance of sexy costumes for kids. I took my almost nine year old daughter out this morning looking for her costume. The costumes were either too toddler-ish or too grown up starting at 7 years old! We stood and looked at the wall for an eternity. How can I add material to this costume is my thought? How do I make this more kid-appropriate? Dear lord, did she see that totally inappropriate costume to the right? Also, let’s not forget that we live in Canada and Halloween is typically freezing. These costumes could be worn comfortably on the beach for pete’s sake.
Clearly, people are buying these bootylicious costumes for their daughters or they wouldn’t be making them. I find this more than a little disturbing. Am I in the minority?

I totally agree. I am very thankful (if that’s the right word) that my 10 yr old daughter is a tom boy & we get her costume in the boys section. This year, she’s going as a clone trooper from Star Wars. But I am worried about when (or if) she grows out of this tom boy stage & what choices she will have. I definitely do not want my girl dressing up as a slutty witch or slutty clown, etc.
It is truly an effort trying to find a non-slutty costume for Halloween. Having a sense of humor really helped me find something appropriate…the hubby and I are going to be Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head again this year. We won the couples best costume prize at the last Halloween party we went to. However, if I were entirely truthful, after several beers, Mrs. Potato Head (and her bucket of parts) got a little inappropriate with the interchangeability of options. I blame my sister-in-law.
OMG Tara, that made me LAUGH!! Thanks for sharing that.
I’m just disgusted that there aren’t more options. I don’t think every little girl or woman for that matter wants to dress this way, yet these types of costumes take up at least 90% of what’s available for purchase.
Pam @writewrds
I think it’s really disgusting, And wrong. And misogynistic. Who makes this stuff? Men? Women who hate/objectify women? Ugh.
I know there’s been a lot of pressure on stores that sell mindless, insulting T-shirts to and for girls. I’m surprised there isn’t a wide-spread, collective uproar about the design of girls’ Halloween costumes.
What does that tell little girls? What does that say about us, as women? Double ugh/
(I’m good with being an unisex witch. It’s effortless and the broom is handy… : )
Don (@foodieprints)
As far as I’m concerned, when I have kids. Boy or girl, they’re going out as lego blocks!
Better half’s dad made a lego costume for his middle daughter when she was young. Vivian and Eric of Blend Creations are making a kick-ass lego block costume this year for their son.
I have every intention of keeping the tradition alive!
PS: What’s wrong with sending your kid out dressed as a hamburger? http://www.foodieprints.com/item/4025
I am still buying in the toddler sections, so luckily I haven’t noticed the inappropriate costumes for older girls, but to be honest, I’m not surprised. I mean, look at what they sell for girls in clothing stores. I’ve driven past girls who at 1st glance look like they are in their 20s and are yet still in grade school! And please, what is the point of a La Senza jr?
Laura Wright @ The ODD Mom
I couldn’t agree with you more. Times like this I’m really glad I have boys. Mind you, I remember a friend in high school whose mother made her a French maid’s outfit when we were about 15 (I’m 39, so that was some time ago). I thought it was inappropriate then, although the funny thing was that she came from an ultra-conservative Christian family. My parents were shocked, but you can bet all the guys at school were appreciative.
Candace,we are soooo on the same wave length.
This was my post yesterday: http://bitofmomsense.com/2011/10/19/halloween-costumes-is-your-child-dressing-up-as-a-cute-animal-or-something-sexy/
And notice, that’s a little girls’ costume!! Yuck. It’s enough. And gross. AND it’s the parents who buy. WE have control and at some point some of them say ‘yes, dear, that is a completely natural 7 year old costume – slutty vampire is sooo in.’
OMG Don! I love that 🙂 Totally unisex and fun. That being said you may have a hard time getting your daughter into a lego suit when she’s 9 😉
I think we need to get more vocal. Bahahahaha, as if we have the problem of not being vocal enough 🙂 But I do think we (when I say we I mean mothers..need to start calling these businesses/manufacturers out). Call me…I have a Kangaroo costume for you:)
Thankfully, I think LaSenza for girls is gone 🙂 That being said there’s a million other inappropriate stores waiting to jump in it’s place. *sigh* This parenting this is so hard some days 🙂
Even before I had my daughter, I thought that kids grow up to fast and that makes me very sad.
I’m not hoping my 5 y/o stays small forever (heaven help me) but I do want her to retain the wonder and joy and the innocence that comes with childhood. God willing, she’ll have 60+ years to be a grown up and only a dozen or so to be very young. This year’s crop of costumes may be the final push I need to learn how to make my own. At least the ones I make will fit over a parka and winter boots……
Little kids should not be wearing slutty costumes, nor should teenagers for that matter and I am very progressive when it comes to this sort of thing but there is a limit. It’s bad enough that people actually watch Toddlers and Tiara’s but to dress our kids like that is just plain wrong.
It really is, but obviously they’re being bought in droves or the stores wouldn’t be filled with them every year.
Alison Pentland (@FeeFiFoFunFaery)
I agree with the lack of choice, but for females in general. What bothered me was having my DD13 trying on costume in the middle of a store with 20-ish females trying on the slutty costumes and 20-ish males trying not to [or not trying not to] stare. This is why I opened family friendly and year-round costume store, Fee Fi Fo Fun [with a change room] and costumes that are sassy, or historical or funny. Best ones purchased Halloween 2012 chosen by pre-teen/teens girls were the friendly Ghost, Cleopatra, Mad Hatter, Gingerbread Man [from Shrek] and the Mummy and even animal ear/tail sets like our Dalmatian Dog set. Having this business is more satisfying than profitable because I can’t compete with the market set by the largest demographic spending money on costumes which is the club-going crowd from 19-36. So I’m committed until I run out of money or energy 🙂