“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. “
Dalai Lama
I sit here and wonder, what the heck am I going to write about? Then it seems, as if out of the blue…something happens that gives me an idea. A small tidbit of something that happened in my life that may (or may not) be of interest to others. Something that others possible may be able to relate to or laugh about. Possibly some tips, pointers or information that may make someones day or world a little brighter.
I LOVE the television show on ABC, What would you do? If you have never seen it, here is the premise…
When you think no one is watching… what would you do? Using hidden cameras, What Would You Do? establishes everyday scenarios and then captures people’s reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quiñones reports on their split-second and often surprising decision-making process. – from the shows website.
As I watch I always put myself in the situation and wonder..What would I do???
Today I found out and it was all thanks to Eclair Woman, that is what I have named her. I have no idea what her real name is, all I know is that she wanted to buy some pastries and an eclair for her two children and when she went to use her debit card it did not work. She tried her card twice, insisting to the clerk that she ‘just deposited a cheque’ , and then it happened. A sudden heaviness came over the room. You could visibly see the cashier felt awkward, the poor mother was now awkward and the kids, well they wanted their eclair. And then it hit me, what the hell is the big deal. The woman’s debit card would not work, for what could have been 100 different reasons. I think we have all been there, that awkward moment when the total get’s added up and you’re wondering if you have enough in your account or if your card will get declined. I have miss calculated several times when bills are coming out, only to find myself with insufficient funds for a coffee. I also recently found out on a holiday shopping trip that debit cards expire, and mine had. I found this out while trying to pay for almost two hundred dollars worth of stocking stuffers. Mortified to say the least.
I the show they always ask people why they did or did not speak up. So…I spoke up. (shocking to those who know me I am sure)
I told the clerk to try my card in case the machine was down. She was then about to delete the Eclair Woman’s order and ring mine up, when I stopped her and said “No, try it on her order.”
Eclair Woman said ‘NO! no you can’t.’
I then followed back with ‘maybe it’s the machine then we will know to run to the bank machine across the street’.
The clerk then processed the $7 order and it went through. Eclair Woman was beyond grateful and asked ‘well how will I pay you back’.
I told her it’s not about paying it back, it’s about paying it forward.
I thought this moment was going to be all about not being embarrassed, sh*t happens and paying it forward. That was until I went to pay for my order. When I went to hand the clerk my debit card she grabbed my hand, tightly I might add, looked me in the eye and with her voice cracking said…
“Kindness can heal the world.”
I then wept the whole way home.
I am not sure what the universe was trying to teach me that day, pay it forward, be kind or you didn’t really need that damn doughnut. What ever the message, it changed me.
Be kind today.
Lovely story and the best kind of share. Thanks Dee.
Not gonna lie. I cried.
I love this post.