In the past, as soon as the calendar would flip to December 1st, I would fly into high stress mode faster than you could flip on the Christmas tree lights. What was supposed to be a wonderful and joyous time of the year, simply turned into a stress-fest which left me feeling like a failure by Christmas day. Thankfully with age comes wisdom and I’ve been trimming the holiday fat each year, and I am happier and dare I say, more festive because of it. Since the holidays are about giving, I’m going to share my secrets with you.
Ten things You Don’t Have Time for This Christmas
Sending Christmas Cards
This one hit the chopping block shortly after child number three arrived on the scene because ain’t nobody got time to handwrite and address fifty plus Christmas cards. Not to mention the expense of actually sending fifty cards. Once I let that go of that sacred cow, I felt a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. On the flip side, the number of cards I receive in the mail has been reduced drastically. At first, I felt a little sad but then I realized I had handed friends and family a gift; they no longer felt obligated to send me a card. Friends don’t send friends Christmas cards.
Christmas Baking
I love baking. I love Christmas baking. What I don’t love is baking enough cookies to feed Santa’s elves. I now pick one or two recipes that have stood the test of time, and ignore the rest. My waistline is grateful.
Hitting the Mall
A little known fact about me is that I’m actually quite a germaphobe. To me malls during the holidays are nothing more than giant germ filled petri dishes. I feel the need to put hand sanitizer on just thinking about it. Thankfully, online shopping has delivered me from this nightmare before Christmas.
To quote a famous song; “Let it go, let it go.” Traditions are wonderful things and you should hold on to them for as long as they bring you joy. The moment a tradition begins to feel like a life-sucking burden, cut it loose. Why yes, I was looking at you Mr. Elf on The Shelf.
Being the Hostess With the Mostess
Repeat after me. “I am not Martha Stewart. I am not Martha Stewart.” Doesn’t that feel good? There is only one Martha, and you know why she’s so darn good at it? BECAUSE SHE HAS A STAFF. So by all means, host the party but lose the martyr complex and ask for some help. If Martha can do it, so can you.
Doing ALL the Things
Wouldn’t it be nice if come December 1, we didn’t have to work anymore, all homework was put on hold and all daily hassles came to an abrupt stop?
The reality is there are no more days in the month, or hours in a day come December. You can not attend every cookie exchange, tree lighting, party or Christmas concert without running the risk of a serious meltdown. Trust me when I say, that aforementioned meltdown will likely happen on the 25th, you know, the day you’ve been building up to. Be realistic with your schedule and just say no.
Buying for the Sake of Buying
Nope, you do not have to buy a gift for everyone. My husband and I long ago took that pressure off each other. Of course, if I see something absolutely perfect for him around Christmas I’ll put it under the tree for him but if nothing jumps out at me, he’s out of luck. The same goes for me. I also stopped tallying up if each kid had the same number of presents.
I have 99 things pinned to my Christmas board and I haven’t done one of them. I’m kidding. It’s 285 things. Ooopsie. Pinterest is great but frankly I’d rather spend two hours watching Love Actually, then pinning projects and recipes I know I’ll never do.
Stress About the Date on the Calendar
Do you know how many more days until Christmas? Likely you do, because every time you turn around someone is letting you know. If hearing the numbers of days left before the show sends you into high alert, then you are not following my plan people.
Back in the day, I used to stress about the Gingerbread House being just so, or having every room magazine worthy for the holidays. Now, I throw the boxed Gingerbread Kit in front of the kids and never look back. When I let go of that perfect ideal I constructed in my head, I felt a lot better. The only thing I strive for perfection for now is my Christmas tree. Everybody just step away and let me decorate the tree. What? I’m still a work in progress.
One Thing You Do Have Time For
Life is not going away just because the holidays are here and no matter what, you are still going to have daily chores to do. Thankfully you DO have time to vacuum with the Black and Decker 24V Max Lithium Stick Vacuum with ORA Technology. This little wonder is actually a JOY to use and I’ll tell you why!
Weighing just under seven pounds, the Black and Decker stick vacuum is seriously easy to use. I can whip it through my kitchen and living room in minutes, and still catch the cobs web up near the ceiling that I KNOW my mother will be looking for. With guests in and out of my house all during December, I love how easy it is to stay on top of the vacuuming. This stick vac switches easily from a hand held to a upright stick vacuum in seconds but it also SUCKS. It sucks huge, and when it comes to a vacuum is exactly what you’re looking for.
The ORA technology (Optimized Runtime + Airflow Technology) means this vacuum has fade-free power and no loss of suction. The 12 Air-Cyclone helps to prevent clogging (and honestly that is something you definitely don’t have time for), and the lithium technology means your sucking power isn’t going anywhere. I also love how there is a power indicator on the side that easily lets me know how much charge it has.
So yeah, you have time for keeping your house clean. You know what else you have time for? Entering this giveaway. Open to Canadian Residents only, closes December 15th, 2016 at 11:59 pm!
I will have everything done early this year.I have shopped for presents all year long.
I already have my shopping done, I am only doing what baking we need and I am lucky that we are not having Christmas at our place this year so all this is reducing my stress.
I have my shopping done. I won’t be doing as much baking this year.
I’m going to let go pf perfection
Get shopping done early and don’t worry about gifts – I am only buying for my immediate family.
I am letting go part of my family this year. I don’t want the fighting etc. going on around my grandson and granddaughter!
I already have my shopping done its my sisters year to host Xmas dinner so I’m pretty much stress free!
I am going to let go trying to do everything and get most stuff done now
I am going to be honest. I actually don’t tend to stress during the holidays. it is my favorite time of year 🙂
This year, I’m not in charge of the meal… this is going to get interesting I think!
We’ve gone on a vacation for the first 2 weeks of December. I’ll be relaxed and ready to go by the time we get home!
I’m leaving just after Christmas so putting up less decorating.
I am going to let go of needing to have everything all planned out.
I am not going to feel everything has to be made by me-ordered a large tray of sweets for a gathering
I am planning on using plate plates this year to reduce the amount of cleaning I have to do while still entertaining guests.
I try to shop through the year to take the last minute pressure to shop away.
I am not going to bake as much as I have in the past.
I’m letting go of the pressure to make every meal a home-cooked one!
I am letting go of procrastination. Shopping done. Decoration done. Baking almost there.
I won’t be doing as much homemade cooking…going to enjoy the holidays with my family!
My procrastination is what I’m letting go this year. I always wait until its almost too late to get my Christmas shopping done and wrapped. Its too stressful doing that, so this year I have started early and have most of my shopping and wrapping completed.
I’m actually kind of enjoying the break from real life prepping for Christmas is giving us. With multiple deaths in the family, the mess in the US, and everything else this year decorating and planning have been a welcome reprieve. Not that I’ve done most of the shopping yet 😉
I am not going to worry about my house being spotless for drop in visitors
be ok if everything doesnt get done
I’m letting go of stressing over christmas dinner, and asking for help this year.
I am letting my 14yr. old daughter take over some of the baking in hopes of releaving some of the stress.
I finished my Christmas shopping early, so that will eliminate a lot of stress
So this thing is literally on my Christmas list. Full disclosure, I send Christmas cards and I do love baking especially at Christmas however I do now let my kids help decorate the tree, even though I’m twitching the whole time.
I will be letting the baking go this year as it just takes up to much time.
To reduce my Christmas stress this year i am not shopping all gift cards and we are going out for dinner.
Planning on a vacation to a lovely destination.
I am letting go to making lots of holiday baked goods.
This year i am letting go to baking lots of Christmas cookies/treats!
I am going to to let go of my pefectionist attitude!
We let go all of us exchanging stockings for everyone (except the kids) due to huge added expense & consuming time. I’ve also let go of going to some holiday functions & just focus more on a couple family get-togethers.
I am going to let go of constantly worrying about what my Mother in Law thinks of me, her son, what we do/don’t do. About everything. After 20 years, I think I have tortured myself enough.
I am letting go of wrapping this year. I usually wrap every item (even the stocking stuffers) but it’s so time consuming! I’m using boxes and bags this year for all but a few gifts.
I am going to avoid being suckered into hosting any parties this year. The prep and cleanup is too much!
I let go of some of the decorating. My husband hurt his leg so I cant maneuver the big bins upstairs. Let it go.
I’m trying to let-go of needing to control everything and feel so responsible…
I started shopping early
I won’t be decorating the outside of my house this year. The inside is enough!
Skipping the Christmas cards!