Ever wonder if your photos are being pinned to Pinterest? Me too. And now I know thanks to Krista at The Family Geek.
If swearing offends you in any way please DO NOT CLICK on this post. Otherwise, click away. You’ll cry laughing from this post at Timothy McSweeeney’s. You’ll also never look at decorative gourds the same way again.
My friend Emma at Here Be Willers is thoroughly irritated with a study that suggests more injuries are happening to kids because parents are texting. What do you think?
Catherine, AKA Earnest Girl, over at YummyMummyClub is beautiful inside and out. I love her post this week about getting glammed up for photos.
For what it’s worth, I think the word “bully” is grossly overused. Maybe you don’t. Annie at PhD In Parenting shares two stories about so-called bullying from the last week.
Can you imagine being married at 12? By 2020, 50 million young girls will be married before 15. Scary. Read this article at The Independent.
I’m intrigued by this safe email for kids from Cool Mom Tech.
Emma Waverman from Embrace The Chaos, linked to my post about shaming kids on the internet. That was pretty cool.
Do you know who The Best Mom on the Block is? I do, and she always makes my stomach growl. Check out this recipe for Maple Squash Casserole. YUMMY
And finally, this video found at That Eric Alper, that shows ducks playing in water for the first time. They are ducking adorable for duck’s sake.
These lists are great. It’s like you do all the leg work for the rest of us.
I love this. My favourite thing about visiting Pleasantville is the pleasant rabbit hole of posts I find my self falling down. 🙂