I keep coming to my blog and looking at it, then looking away, then looking again. And each time I do, I walk away feeling guilty. Guilty that I really haven’t been posting much the last few days.
I’ve been busy with boring life stuff, but stuff that needs tending to all the same. I’ve also been feeling a little tongue tied, so that makes it hard to share. It’s not that I don’t have opinions on ABSOLUTELY everything, it’s that my brain is having a hard time completing sentences. In fact, just writing this much hurts.
I also, have not been cooking. There I said it. I’ve been feeding my family crap take out and boxed meals. *hangs head in shame* For the record, there is no way to photograph Kraft Dinner and pass it off as your own. It’s completely identifiable under any circumstances.
I’ve been blogging for three years now. Three years, and not once have I felt resentment to it. Until this week. This week it feels like a burden. So, I’m not coming back to look here for a few days. I’m not even going to look at my analytics. Okay, I might peek. No, no I won’t, that will only depress me. GAH! What am I turning into?
I’m not even sure that I’m allowed to admit this as a blogger. It this like committing blogging suicide? I’ll ponder this and many more questions over sangria the next few days.
I’ll be back next week, revitalized and ready to blog about travel, cooking, drinking, raising my girls, and best friends. Because damn it I have a blog about best friends that’s just festering but not forming onto the page quite yet.
Wait for me. Don’t forget me. It’ll only be five days. I promise.

Maria @amotherworld
I so understand this! We all need a break from blogging, writing, life! Hope your break inspires you and brings you back with new stories to share 🙂
Pam @writewrds
Good for you! Enjoy!!! : )
It’s not blogging suicide at all. I took time off in April and it helped clear my head about a few things. We’ll wait for you.
Candace (the other one)
Enjoy. Let the pressure go. See you soon. 😉
Susana Terhune
Good for you! Enjoy the break and your true fans will stay with you! 🙂
Have a wonderful time!
We’ll be waiting right here. Cheers.
Lisa Goulet
Everyone needs a break now and then. Stop beating yourself up and take your break. It’s good for you!
I’ve never been good at waiting. Christmas is hell for me, simply because I’m impatient. So long as you really, truly, honestly, pinky-promise, swear you’ll be back, I guess I’ll suck it up. There’s always an exercise video downstairs waiting for me in the interim. 🙂 Please tell me you’re not abandoning Twitter too? Because that kind of radio silence I really can’t bear 🙂
A good host would serve cocktails and appetizers while we wait here for you. No? Okay, I’ll be back in 5 days
I took a week off and almost jumped off the roof. Sometimes, you just need to do that. Take a break, not jump off the roof.
We’ll be here and you will be fantastic!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
Cindy W
I’m with Shelley and hope you’ll be around Twitter. What about BOLO? Will you be there next Thursday? If you want to, you can cuddle with my kid. I’ll let her out of the wrap for you! 🙂
I’m in the same spot right now. In fact, I have a post written about the exact same thing…except the taking a break part (that’s such a great idea, btw). I just haven’t hit publish on my post yet. Don’t know what’s stalling me. I guess I feel like you, like it might be like committing blogging suicide. I don’t think it really is, though. I’m all jumbled up inside and for the first time in a long time, writing is not helping me. 🙁 But reading your blog is nice, so I’ll wait until your back. Cheers! 🙂
Well, your post gave me the courage/inspiration if you will to go ahead and post my thoughts on writing here of late. You can read it here if you want: http://wp.me/p1ZR9N-ok.
Lisa E
Take a well-deserved rest/break.
We will all wait for your return.
Bernadette Erb
You deserve the rest!!