You’ve no doubt heard of Martha’s Vineyard, Cape Cod and Nantucket. These islands are synonymous with Massachusetts and known the world over for their beauty and authentic charm. They are however, not the only islands to see in Massachusetts. Here are three you may not have heard of, but should definitely seek out when visiting Massachusetts!
Island Hopping in Massachusetts – Three Islands You May Not Have Heard Of
Misery Islands
Well, how’s that for chipper? Misery Island received it’s name after a shipbuilder was stranded there during a winter storm for “three miserable days”. Don’t worry though, misery is the last thing you’ll find on these two islands — Great Misery and Little Misery. Saved from development by The Trustees of Reservations, Misery Islands are actually quite a joy to visit. It’s the perfect place to commune with nature.

Cuttyhunk Island
Cuttyhunk is actually way easier to announce than it’s original name of Poocuohhunkkunnah. Would I kid you? Home to about 50 residents now, Cuttyhunk Island is the outermost of the Elizabeth Islands in Massachusetts. If you’re seeking tranquility this is probably the island for you. Check out the The Avalon Inn (founded in 1909) for a real taste of Americana. Be sure to pack your sunscreen and beach towels too. Cuttyhunk also has several stunning beaches to enjoy.

Plum Island
Well this would be a plum location to visit wouldn’t it? Sorry, I get my cheesy humour from my father, it’s unavoidable. I digress. Plum Island is so aptly named because of the wild plums that grow on it’s dunes. Dunes you say? Why yes, big sand dunes! If you haven’t rolled down a sand dune as a child then you’re not living. Also, because the island is unsheltered from the Atlantic, the waves can be quite large here. Likely ideal for windsurfing. You’ll also find the Parker River Wildlife Refuge here where migratory birds come for resting and nesting. Finally, from Newburyport, catch a boat for whalewatching daily from mid-june to Labour day.