To hear the weatherman tell it, we’re looking down the barrel of the mother of all storms. Or not. It may just be a dusting. One never can tell really, and if you’re the weatherman it’s best to always err on the side of mass hysteria. SNOWMAGEDDON. POLAR VORTEX. THE TWISTED BLIZZARD. Actually, I just came up with that last one and I think it’s pretty good. Please note you saw it here first.

Anyhoo, with all of this being said, my children are willing the weather to be as bad as possible in the next couple of days. I mean, you can actually see their brains pulsing as they try and use Jedi mind tricks to stop the school buses!
To be fair, my girls actually have a pretty good track record of making snow days happen. To hear them tell it, they were successful 9 times out of 10 times last year using tried and true methods to make the snow fall. To hear me tell it, I’d say it was a crappy year for snowstorms. Who you believe is up to you. But this is about how to bring the snow, so let me share their practically no-fail ways with you.

How to Make a Snow Day Happen
Put a spoon under your pillow.
This small act is meant to signify that there will be so much flipping snow when you wake up in the morning that you will have to dig your way out.
Wear your pajamas inside out and backwards.
My youngest daughter loves doing this in July, so I can’t attest to it’s legitimacy but heck, it’s fun right?

Drop One Ice Cube in The Toilet for Every Inch of Snow you Want.
Alright look, I had to put a kibosh on this one because it scares me a little. The year we had 13 ft of snow in one winter, I could never find an ice cube in the freezer. You be the judge. Do this at your own peril.
Shake a Snow Globe Every Time You Walk Past One.
This just make sense, right? I mean, I do it. It’s just so damn pretty….contained in a snow globe. As my one daughter has observed on snow days, “Who’s shaking us, right now?” Deep thoughts for one so little.
Eat Ice Cream the Night Before.
I call baloney on this one. I’m pretty sure this was invented by a kid with a sweet tooth. I’ll leave it up to you if you give it any credence or now.
Say Your Prayers.
Well d’uh. Say them hard kids, because for every little child praying with hands clasped and eyes all squinted up, there’s a parent across the hall praying equally as hard that the weatherman was just drinking again. If you’d like to hand your child the words though, here it is:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord lays the snow down deep
Please give me a snow day before I wake
So I can have big snowmen to make
You didn’t think I was going to forget about you now did you, dear parent? Because if all of the above actually works, here’s what you need to do it make sure you maintain your sanity.
How to Survive a Snow Day With Your Kids
Send them outside
Now I say this hoping that you are of sound mind and understand that you don’t send them out in -40 conditions and that you’re aware of how to keep kids warm in the winter. I’ll assume that you know all this. If it’s reasonable outside, hand them some charcoal and carrots (or have a snowman kit on hand for emergencies) and send them in the backyard to make that snowman they prayed so hard for. Smile a little as you remind them this was there wish.

Be Stocked Up on Food
Okay, you saw the forecast. Even skeptics should be prepared. Do you have the basics to deal with hungry kids who just built the world’s biggest snowman? If you’re smart, you stocked up the night before with everything you need for homemade hot chocolate and maybe even some homemade marshmallows if you’re feeling extra fancy. Don’t forget a hearty lunch and dinner. Best to plan on feeding a few extra mouths too because despite the fact that there is no way on earth your children’s friends could find their way to school, somebody’s parent has a bigass SUV that can get them to your house.

Blow the Dust Off the Board Games
Occasionally snow storms bring power outages and you may be forced to find a bored, er I mean, a board game. Try not to fall asleep in your Monopoly pieces as you struggle through a four hour game. I kid, I kid. Board games are super fun….when your kids friends are over to play them. Otherwise, elect your spouse to this job.
Hide the Cutlery and Become an Athiest
Okay, so you’ve made it through the day with your little darlings and it’s time for bed. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT take any chances. Put their pajamas on yourself, hide the spoons and refuse all prayers for the night. After all, these kids are going to get power hungry if allowed to continue like this. Best to nip it in the bud now.

I did every single one
Does it work?
I really wanted it to be a snow day today but it says I had to do it the night before okay then
Iya M.
Yes and my kids loved it.
I hope this works I like school but need a snow day the past 3 days have been great ?❄Hopefully it works
I’m eating ice cream right now
I did them all and they WORKED!!! ?????????????????
Cierra Maya
Lets hope it works, its 12:48am so its thursday and we had a snow day on tuesday so lets home it works.
Sleep with 1 sock
Dream about snow
I just want to know if you need to flush the ice cubes down the toilet.
i want a snow day tonight
please work
bye for now
I gust eat my ice cream and now I am going to put my close on and putting my spoon under my pillow
IM GOING TO TRY THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!! I also hope it works!
I am to not all tho
Hope it works don’t want school tomorrow?
I have tried this before… IT WORKS! no school is all my prayers!!!
I’m gonna try this is it works NO SCHOOL
cheyenne g
did it?
Hopeful Student
lol I’m gonna try this, but I’m not doing the ice cube one, I don’t think I even have ice cubes. lol
Jessica McGary
It works thank you so much
Jessica McGary
Matthewben Fuller
Im going to try it I’m 12
Who lol’s
VPS 81311
I hope it woks I hate school and homework ps if you take a snow shovel you can build snow forts or igloos in the extra plowed snow
Esme Squalor
Me and my friends want a snow day on Tuesday, and we are doing half the superstitions today and the other half tomorrow. Look at other articles too! Good luck to you all!
I highly doubt we will have school! It’s a blazing 2 feet tomorrow. Yay no school!
Are u sure this works
Hopefully this works its my birthday today and don’t want school tom haven’t had school for the past two days and I want to spend more time with my cousins!!
Lotta gullible people here.
In Gonna try i hope it works BTW!! I’m 11
Did it work!
Me too.Im 9years old I hate school it is boring and I really want a school ??
Hah you thing says poop head poop head
Brynn C.
You should add drop a penny in the snow
I really need a snow day because I have a test tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Nobody cares
It’s already supposed to snow tomorrow, but not that much. I just hope it works.
Nobody cares
Maybe I could even have my friends over and we can watch movies with popcorn.
Nobody cares
Also, I put 24 ice cubes in the toilet. We should be getting two feet here!!??❄️☃️
Nobody cares
Oh, and QWERTY, good luck on your test!! What subject is it?
Crap on a cracker
It’s kinda cool how you can leave a comment and not have to be involved in anything other than looking at the website
it did for me!
and put a white crayon/colored pencil in the freezer
I am supposed to get 6 inches of snow tonight
hope this works be and my brother put 17 ice cubes down the toilet
I live in Ohio and we got a pretty big amount of snow (in my opinion but plz don’t attack meh) But I didnt wanna go to school, but I couldn’t fake sick bc I missed toops many days already… So, I said the prayer and…. Heeyyyy, would you look at that… I have a snow day!!! Now, I’m.not saying this works Everytime, but, if the a snow day is in the Lord’s plan, then it shall happen.
Do any of you know how many inches of snow it has to be in order to have a snow day? Also, good luck to you all!
Hoping to works for me just did everything…
Bellatrix Lestrange
Every time I do it it snows a little. I really want it to snow tomorrow because I’m not ready to go back to school. Btw I’m 12
There is a chance of snow tommorow I really hope this works 🙂 :} :] BTW I’m 10 and my twin sis is chopping on her Frickin doughnut right in my ear
I really want it to snow!!! SNOW!!!!!! >) * 🙂 😀 and FYI Peyton , I like doughnuts !
I really hope this works, it says there is going to be a snow storm, but I am not sure if it is going to effect school tomorrow. I really hope it does, I don’t want to go, and I love snow days!
I hope this doubles my chances, and will get back to this site if it works.
School Student :
Yea! Me too! I really want to hang out with my friends!
School Student
Ikr usually you have to sign in or something
Didn't study for a test tomorrow opps
Icy forecast for tomorrow!! Trying these with my sisters was so much fun! We haven’t had a snow day in 5 years but I’m feeling optimistic! Thanks!!
your mom
gonnna try all of thes!1! btw im 11 lol XD
It worked it worked
Molly :)
Hope it snows!!!!!!
it wont snow
We had 6 inches of snow but the Superintendent doesn’t like snow days. Soooooooo
Yes I use it once a month
Is it the same spoon you used to eat your ice cream
Flush the ice cubes!!!
Even when i was nine i want that immature
Mia Critch
Does it really work.I live in paradise in Newfoundland and I’m hoping for a snow day tomorrow
Does it really work??????
yes it does work kit-kat Molly and I had a lot of fun doing these things and i really hope it snows tonight there is a chance so I’m excited to do them again 🙂 😀
Raging Storm ?
OMG!!! Really?
Kayla the awesome Woodroffe
Dang it did not work
I hope it work! im super exited.
Mackenzie Gwinn
It’s snowing tomorrow actually that’s why I’m doing it. My friends doing it too.
If this doenst work I will KILL this site. Do not worry it will just only cross the fingers on 1 hand 2 is bad luck. Also wear your Pjs inside out AND backwards!
Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz snow day!
It workeded!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in NH and we were forcasted only 6 inches of snow but I put in 20 icecubes to the toilet and flushed and IT ACTUALLY WORKED! We had 2 feet of snow the next day and we got a snow day!
It doesn’t say snow BUT it is gonna be 32 and under tonight and tomorrow so I hope it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone says it works so ill see and tell u later!!!!
You don’t
Please work!
Human Name
I live in florida,Never snows here. Fingers crossed.
Kyndra Whitlock
I hope it works 4 me… I don’t want school
Colton Underwood
Jorja(pronounced: Georgia)
I live in Ohio too! I’m trying all of this tonight because I heard it’s souposed to snow tomorrow (January 17, 2019 is tomorrow) and I just had a lot of testing to do the past two days. I was sitting in first period ( Social Studies) for TWO HOURS and then I finally went to second period( Science) and we walked all the way around my school and had a work day. I think every one at my school would enjoy that(were only in 6th grade. Except for our Arrow program which has fourth and fifth graders in it.)
Did it work?
I am going to try and if it works i will write back
carys long
Crystal Domino
It works I had no school for a week now I’m doing it again let’s see if it works!!!
PLZ give me a snowday
lol were same day i live in jeresey 86 percent chance on snow day calc. I HOOPE
This person
I hope this works!
Kelly Stiles
I’m Haydon and I’m 19, please make it snow, i like snow
i hope it does Kellly, your wish may be granted 😀
I am your fairy-god mother... ;)
I hope she enjoys that doughnut, Peyton Says. It might be the last one she has 🙂
I am your fairy-god mother... ;)
Wow, lots of detail, Jorja (pronounced Georgia). I hope it does do a snowy day for you! -does fairy stuff- there we go! It will snow! (some day) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 (I am a fairy! Whoosh!)
I hope it works because we never get snow in Weslinn Oregon
Last Christmas I was crying on the floor cause it I didn’t see snow on the weather forecast Sad
I tried so we will see tomorrow…
prayed for snow put 37 icecubes in toilet so i get snowday 2 of my friends got frostbyte be carephel what wish for ladies and genties now one lost fingerh
liv says says says says says says says says says says says says
omg i live in ohio,i only put one ice cube down the toilet,but im planning to put many more,so im like dying for a snow day,it says on the weather channel there is supposed to be 2 – 7 inches of snow lol
liv says says says says says says says says says says says says
lol nice job with the ice cubes
# cold
I did every thing I cold lol + it’s getting cold tonight
# cold
Good tip
ItBeTheMe said or says said or says said or sayss aid or says said or says said or says said or says said or
lol helpme here im dying
Little funny elf
Loooook so i did every thing and u know wut it said we might have school tmrw and u know i think i might try this out how many inches makes a good 2 feet?
It works!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dangit, it didn’t work; (btw I’m 30 years young— that’s right, you heard me, 30 years. Still going strong. So strong as an ox. Hoof. I just wanted a snow day and it didn’t happen. I only asked for this one thing. I live alone. There’s so much I could ask for but I only wanted this *sigh* *breathes heavily* *exhales* *sobs silently*)
Let me tell you about this. My wife and kids left me during the last snow fall so you better believe I’m not hoping for snow day. In fact I’d be content if those icy crystals never fall from the sky again. So while your wishing for snow I’m wishing for fire. Be reborn from the ashes. Set the whole world aflame. But this isn’t a threat and be rest assured I’m not a sinner. Btw I’m an ageless spirit roaming tiny bluish-green marble just looking for love and someone to come home to.
uNeDuCaTed rAtS
I love how you corrected that??
Did they work
I live in Ohio as well and last time I did this it worked so I am hoping it will again.
I did it, I got several inches of snow…….in Texas
12 year old
Is there a reason you had to say that you’re 12?
did it work
Emily Johnson
Trust me I live at Arizona and I never seen it snow before so….. I’ll get back to you tomorrow morning.bye.
Emily Johnson
I’m scared
Emily Johnson
Jay my birthday is on July 14
Emily Johnson
Do you mean a purple crayon
silver spoon
me too
Sophie Foster
It didn’t work for me, but I wasn’t able to flush ice cubes down the toilet, mine are too big.
that’s why im doing it
same i just ate the ice cream and did everything excepted the pray thing i think it will work
sadly, it didn’t snow 🙁
i hope it snows for me
I just waited till Tuesday.
Another thing you can do is make paper snow flakes by hand. Hang them on your window and wait for the snow!
snow lover
it worked I got a 2hr delay at my school!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hue G. Rection
did it work
it DID not work
Am I the only one who came here because of tik tok
Elizabeth Sweeney
It really works! It never snows in Atlanta Georgia and it snowed today!
Random Person
I tried it last night, I even wished on 11:11. I mean, I live in Ohio, so it could’ve happened. But it didn’t.
Wish me luck y’all. I need a snow day!!
I mean…. we did have a snow day on Monday.
But it was the only day so far THIS YEAR that we had actually had a snow day…
who names themself ” poopybear”
Jacob Arellano
I wish the snow happen here on Philippines.But the Christmas is coming this ber months.
Did it work?
Let it snow I was born in December Kailey
Lol guess what it snowed yesterday and I put 529 ice cubes in the toilet it took 239 flushes ????????and it’ snowed and covered my house but it was 8 years ago so I’ll try again with a lot more ice Cubes ????
Isabella wants to build a snowman (too bad elsa doesn't)
Hi i live in south florida i hope i will snow i wanna build big snowmen!!!!
I did almost every one
Lol bruh im hoping 4 a snow day.
Im hoping it work for me rn I WANT A SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Mr. Sir
what about white crayons in the freezer?……………. otherwise done
Snow Queen
Ohio party! I also live in Ohio around the Cleveland area. I had a snow day December 1 2020. A lot of schools are online due to Covid but my school was one of the only schools that are in Person so we got a snow day!!!
dont be a hater, man, just cuz ur life is bad doesnt meen u need to
wow 1000 likes, thanks guys, ill keep it up
Heyy man, he isnt a hater, he just, doesnt, bealeev in this
Elizabeth XD LOL
the tree
lol it’s snowing out right now it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(??_??)
the tree
yo poopheadi thik it will work
i will try tonight see if it works
i wanna snow day school is shit
xD nice
I am trying To do this everyday So we can a snow Day and No SCHOOL!! (Like who likes school)
autumn tzitzouris
ya i did this at 1:00 am but i have a hunch it will work i mean are walk way is still solid frozen and so is the road here are the prays NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP I PRAY THE SNOW KEEPS FALLING DEEP IF THE SNOW SHOULD STOP FALLING I PRAY THE WIND TO START HOWLING AS THE WIND BEGINS TO BLOW CLOSE THE SCHOOL…. I DONT WANT TO GO
LOL So many ice cubes!
Cheeto human
WOW *clap clap* so beautiful *sniff sniff*
me too
I am going to try it tonight! Wish me luck!
your mom
It worked! I told my younger brother and my friend to do it too! And it worked! I am completely blown away! I did this all, and I even put a pencil and a white crayon in (I’ve heard some debate about which one it is, so I did both) the fridge! My brother even made up a snow day song with me, I think that did something. I can not but this excitement and amazement into words!
Snowy queen
me and meh sis did it… it failed. but, to be fair, (i dont want the website 2 sue me lol *_*) it was the middle of the day, and there was no forecast for snow, and maybe i was being a little… uh… {searches for the right word. looks in dictionary. jk, i didnt look in a dictionary} IMPULSIVE… but then a few days later it snowed like 2 inches 🙁 so at least it snowed…(?) but (this will make all ya’ll jelous), i dont even GO to public school. im freakin’ home school by mah mama. (PS, im on mah computer) BTW, im 11
bro, you actually believe this?
Its a fun thing to do with kids, not actual magic
Boo is cute
i cant wait to try this!!!!!!!!!!!
Abby Maddison
who does want school?! LIKE…..
It totally works! I did this on Tuesday and got a snow day on Wednesday! It even snowed like, 6in!
Ben Dover
did it work?
I flushed 36 Ice cubes down my toilet
I read this then did every single on i think it worked because I flushed 36 ice cubes down my toilet.