I found these on Pinterest. I know, I know, I’m seeking counselling for my addiction. Anyway, I couldn’t resist them.
Hot Chocolate Blocks
1/2 cup heavy cream
14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
3 cups chocolate semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate.(Make and Take suggested mixing it up, so I did. 1 cup each of 56% Callebaut, semi-sweet chocolate, milk chocolate chips)
4 oz unsweetened chocolate (chopped)
Heat the cream and sweetened condensed milk over medium-low heat until it starts steaming, stirring periodically. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Stir and let sit for 10 minutes, then put back on medium-low heat and stir with a whisk until chocolate is completely melted and shiny. Pour chocolate into 8×8 pan lined with parchment and spread chocolate as level as you possibly can. Let sit overnight (at least 12 hours). Run a knife under warm water and cut into 1 1/4 inch blocks. Place homemade marshmallow on top and place lollipop stick through centre. Wrap individually in clear cello bags and tie with ribbon.
To enjoy, stir in a large mug of hot milk.