As I get older the list of “things” I want for Christmas becomes shorter and shorter. It’s the realization of course that the things we really want in life, can’t be bought in a store. Memories, unique experiences, and emotional connection are truly the best gifts we can give each other.

I can’t recall what anyone gave me from one year to the next, but I can go back through pictures (to date, 64K of them in the cloud) and recall every emotion I felt hugging a child or seeing them respond to a gift with total elation. It’s why any gift given to me that captures memories as vividly and quickly as possible is the only thing I ever really want under the tree. True story: Forget diamonds, if I can record a story on it, I want it. Enter my latest obsession, the Huawei P30 Pro.

I recently had the pleasure of joining Huawei for the launch of the Amber Sunrise P30 Pro on a hot air balloon over Southwestern Ontario. Marrying that unique experience I live for with the ability to capture it so beautifully, made that day completely unforgettable. Sure enough, when I flip through the images I took that day, it’s the emotions that accompanied me on that journey that come immediately to the surface—awe, joy, and the wonder of living completely in the moment. That is the power of having a powerful memory keeper AKA smartphone, in your back pocket at all times.

There is no doubt the Huawei P30 Pro is a beautiful phone with it’s sleek design and stunning colours, but it’s really the Leica camera that hooked me. This triple camera system has a 40 MP super sensing camera, a 16 MP Ultra Wide Angle Lens, and an 8 MP telephoto lens.

The two features I already can’t live without is the amazing nighttime photography mode and the ultra wide pictures I’m able to take using my P30 Pro. I’m also obsessed with Huawei’s AI that senses and automatically adjusts for what I’m shooting. It senses if I’m shooting food, or a beach, or a building. It’s positively mind-blowing what this camera can do. I haven’t even had enough time yet to fully explore it’s macro capabilities but I’m excited for the possibilities.

Far from a professional photographer, don’t take just my word for it though. The Huawei P30 Pro has been winning top honours around the globe as the best smartphone camera currently on the market. Most recently it grabbed top spot with EISA.

So as we head into the holiday season, and we give hard thought to what to give to those we love, consider giving them something that captures the memories we want to hold on to so dearly. The Huawei P30 Pro Breathing Crystal (and the Amber Sunrise) is available at retailers and cell providers across Canada.
Using the widget below, enter to win a Huawei P30 Pro Breathing Crystal to put under the tree for someone you love (or keep for yourself to capture the memories). Contest closes December 7, 2019 at 12:00am

Jessica F
Went to DR for xmas 2 years ago with my family. Such great memories
Candace Sampson
I loved the year we ran away at Christmas too! It was such a stress relief and stands out as one of my best holiday memories.
Jessica Nugent
We always travel somewhere warm before Christmas … definitely helps us relax before the busy holidays
Candace Sampson
What was your favourite place?
daniela sborlini
my sisterinlaw and brother took my children and i to DR all expenses paid on Christmas. it was our very first vacation ever. it was fantastic 5 star hotel and Santa was there on the beach. the hotel took pictures of all the kids with santa individual and gave to me. it was a fantastic trip
Sandy Trojansek
My family travelled to Clearwater Beach, FL for Christmas when I was 7. Seeing palm rewat in Christmas Day was strange, but awesome!!
lisa penney
my fave memory was getting a puppy when i was six! my late grandfather dressed up as the best (newfoundland accented) santa i’ve ever seen and came walking down the street to deliver it while my entire family was there waiting to watch. was a month after my dad passed away so i’m amazed my mom was able to organize such an amazing surprise for us. forever memory!
Aneta Alaei
my fave memory was the time my mom got my triplet water baby dolls. She actually listened that year
Alayne Langford
My favourite Christmas memory was my last Christmas spent with my Dad before he passed away. It was a beautiful Christmas Eve with big fluffy snowflakes, and we went for a drive to see the Christmas lights. It was magical.
Candace Sampson
AMAZING!! What a fun trip! And Santa on the beach is epic!
Candace Sampson
It’s so weird being somewhere warm on Christmas day when you’re Canadian LOL
Candace Sampson
Oh Lisa! Thank you so much for sharing. What a sweet sweet memory!
Candace Sampson
ha!! That must be why it’s so memorable for you 🙂
Candace Sampson
What a sweet memory to hold on to Alayne. Thank you for sharing xo
When I was little our family trip included Walt Disney World and we always went in December. It was never insanely busy like it is now. We would stay till the very end and I’d walk down Main Street past the castle holding my Dad’s hand just taking it all in. He’s say to me as we walked out the gates well after midnight, ‘we shut it down didn’t we?’.
Dan Levy
My favourite Christmas memory? Probably the time a bunch of years ago when Hanukkah coincided with Christmas so a bunch of us Jewish folks got together and made a huge Hannukah party for ourselves since no one had to work that day anyway 🙂
Rosa Cross
I remember, as a child, laying at the top of the stairs waiting for Santa to come through the door on Christmas Eve.
I remember when my aunt came to visit when I was really small.. we went all out decorating the house.. even had a small miniature village set. Those were the days!
It has to be baking with my mama and the girls every year. We eat more dough than any human should and most recipes flop. It’s the time together than means the most.
My best memory is when my baby fell asleep during their first Christmas while we unwrapped their gifts. Just too much work for a baby!
Sharon Aldighieri
My favourite Xmas memory was from a few years ago when my 4 sisters and I got together on Xmas eve after being separated for almost 10 years since Mom passed away. Stress and exhaustion did some damage to our close relationship taking care of Mom 24-7 for her last six months, but this Xmas eve we got back together and it was so amazing. We lit Chinese patterns in honour of MOM and our get together and I know based on trying to get them going in a snow storm and laughing our heads off Mom and Dad were both smiling down on us from heaven. It was truly a magical Xmas and one I will never forget. Those memories are the best and thanks so much for the chance and good luck everyone.
Victoria Ess
My favourite Christmas was our first with my new baby! It was the best gift ever!
Heather Swanson
Receiving my Mary Poppins doll.
janine a
my favourite christmas memory is our last christmas with my grandpa, we all walked the block and looked at the christmas lights together and had pizza and hot chocolate together
Chris MacDonald
My favourite memory is taking the family to a tree farm to choose the perfect Christmas tree and cut it down.
Amy Heffernan
Baking with my grandmother every christmas eve. Cakes, cookies!!
I actually have two all-time favorite memories…1. when my daughter, who was 4 at time, presented me with a glass angel ornament on Christmas morning. The angel didn’t come in a box (from the dollar store) and she wrapped it by myself. She was jumping out of her skin excited and the smile on her face just made my heart so full…something that I hold onto now that she’s 17 and it’s VERY different now. 2. going to Edmonton to spend Christmas with my family. We my daughter and I and my sister and her family were put up in a hotel compliments of my parents. It was super good fun having adjoining rooms and sleepovers with my baby sister and our kids. Happy holidays! Making memories are definitely one of my favorite things about the holidays!
Farzana Malik
My surprise cake collapsed but everyone still ate it!
Zvi Vaxman
going away to cuba with the family is my fav christmas memory
My favourite Christmas memory is of exchanging gifts with my sisters on Christmas Eve every year. All the other gifts had to wait but we could always open each other’s gifts after supper on Christmas Eve.
michelle tremblett
I remember many many years ago wanting a baby alive doll so badly. my mom was watching the news one night and they were talking about the doll madness and how they were completely sold out and impossible to get, I was devastated for about two weeks until I woke up Christmas morning to the doll under the tree, ii absolutely lost my mind, I will never forget that day. Not sure how my mom pulled it off but it was the greatest Christmas 🙂
Deborah C
My favourite is when my I tricked my sons by putting the Nintendo 3DS inside a tissue box and they thought that they received a tissue box for Christmas until I told them to open the tissue box. I’ll never forget how their faces lit up with excitement!
Jason Kinnin
Christmas in Florida
September Dee
My favourite Christmas memory was as a child when I spent Christmas with my grandparents who lived so far away. Thanks so much for the chance to win something that I really need.
Christmas we found out we were going to Disneyland!
Best trip ever
Darren Scrubb
My best Christmas ever was in Jamaica, and I was able to go to an amazing music festival called Sting. There was so many great performers on the stage, Also I went to enjoy the beach in that sensational country. I also enjoyed visiting the region known as country where there is lots of land and people playing awesome music all day.
My favourite Christmas memory is the year I caught my Dad eating the cookies we left out for Santa. The memory still makes me laugh.
My favorite Christmas memory is sitting in the livingroom with my relatives and listening as a child to the radio about the whereabouts of Santa. We would rush off to bed as soon as he was near lol.
Liz Howard
The time my dad bought the Christmas tree!! When he got it into the house and cut the netting around it, it was as big as the room, I swear it had to be at least 6 feet wide… it was awesome!!! ???
Sandra Dufoe
Is watching my grandchildren play with the boxes and bags and not the toys makes me smile every time.
Elaine G
My favorite Christmas memories is when we were kids and I’d wake my siblings up so early in the morning to get our presents. They were also grumpy that I woke them (they were all older) but by the time we got down stairs we’d be laughing and excited.
My favourite memory was celebrating my daughter’s first Christmas!
Gursant Johal
Receiving my GameBoy as a kid which I still cherish today.
Shakil Afzal
In 2015, I got to celebrate Christmas in Florida. It was so much fun.
Kiaresh Naderi
Fave Christmas memory was being the first one to wake up and making surprise cookies for the family
Eric Chan
Last year, celebrating Christmas with the entire extended family and indulging in all the home cooked food
Shoshi Vaxman
going on a surprise trip with my family down south, it was a magical time
Wendy Hutton
my favorite christmas was the last christmas we spent with my mother before she passed away, huge gathering as I have 9 siblings mom loved it as it was rare for everyone to get together
Elizabeth Matthiesen
My favourite memories of Christmas are seeing my 7 kids eyes glowing with joy when they saw the Christmas tree and the presents underneath – this was always done whilst they were otherwise occupied, usually with a bath. When ready a bell was rung, by Santa I suspect, and they were then allowed into the room. Now it’s the excitement and joy my grandchildren exhibit. 🙂
Silvia D
my favourite memory would be when I was a child our father was in hospital already for months due to accident, that Christmas eve an ambulance from the hospital in the big city where he was brought him home for 3 days on Christmas eve. We were so overjoyed, he had to go back for another few months but that Christmas is just so memorable!
my villa
just being with my family during christmas is such a joyous occasion however there are several family members that are fighting and our christmas celebrations are not the same for the last 2 years. I miss all the fun times and laughs we all shared when we were all together. we were all so happy and man there was so much laughter. gosh i miss that
Sarah Ferguson
My favourite memory is the last Christmas my grandparents spent with us on the farm. We did a little exchange and made some great memories.
Charanjiv Virdi
Best memory of Christmas was when a neighbour invited our family for a Christmas feast. I cherish this truly important memory.
Edith Rennes
My favourite Christmas memory is getting my first bike.
Monica S
Favourite memory was just being a kid with my brothers and sister and enjoying the season! Everyday was fun and exciting. No stress, just enjoying everything as a child.
last year i spent christmas at Lake Louise with my family, it was a wonderful and memorable christmas
Suhaila Siddique
Best memory that comes to mind was when it was a white Christmas many years ago and me and my brother made a huge snowman.
Carole Dub
Spending Christmas at my grandparents house! Such great memories!
Caitlyn Carlson
Spending my Christmas evenings praying to the Lord and waking up to snow in southern Ontario was such a fond memory
Mikail Afack
My favourite memory was spending Christmas in Fort Lauderdale. It was so hot!
Robyn Bellefleur
One of my best memories is the year we went and stayed at our Aunt and Uncle’s house for Christmas. We went for a sleigh ride and ice skating on their pond, it was a fantastic time!
Theresa C.
When I was six, I got an Easy Bake Oven and immediately began making little cakes for everyone – best childhood Xmas memory!
Scott Furminger
My family spent every Christmas until I was 18 at Granny’s house north of the 45th parallel where the average snowfall in December is 70 cm!
Shirley P
My favorite memory was getting a tobaggan for Christmas and going sledding with my brother Then coming home to hot chocolate and an amazing Christmas dinner
The first Christmas when my daughter was old enough to believe in the magic of Christmas!
My favorite Christmas memories are from when my grandparents were still with us – the HUGE family gatherings. I miss them and those functions!
Israel Y
Going to NYC one year was great – Macy’s shopping, Rockefeller tree & more!
Akmal Ajar
Best memory was when we enjoyed our first Christmas after our kids were old enough to learn about the gift giving and setting up the Christmas tree.
Ivy Pluchinsky
My favorite Christmas memory was when I was a kid. There used to be 30 people or more crammed into my Grandma and Grandpa’s living room opening presents. So many young kids and Santa would always pay a visit.
my favorite Christmas memory is going to my babcia and dziadzis and sitting at a huge table that stretched from the dining room into the sitting room full of 20 of us and my babcia setting an empty chair and plate a side for if anyone hungry came to the door. it was a tradition they brought over from Poland
My favourite Christmas memory was when my whole family flew in to celebrate together!
julie bolduc
I remember getting a new kids on the block doll I asked for it for a few years and I finally got it I will never forget that Christmas
Nika Gordan
Best Christmas memory was when I got three presents, all of which were exactly the same!
My favourite Christmas memory is the year when I got some desperately wished for x-country skiis under the tree! Oh, the excitement!!
Eva Mitton-Urban
Best Christmas Memory: Annually, it is tradition to gather as a family – all ages – and have the Ultimate Christmas Eve Game Night. Year: 2018 – Bought the Speak Out Game – Was new so we decided to try it. I have never seen so many streaks of mascara down the ladies cheeks or the tears of laughter from the Men – after playing this game. The greatest gift was the LAUGHTER. Cherished nugget of memory that I will never forget.
Marissa Buffett
My favourite Christmas memories are the one’s with my father. He passed when I was nine.
Thanks for the chance xx
My favourite Christmas memory was bringing my 2 day old new born baby home from the hospital to meet her 2 year old sister.
Kristi F
The Christmas where we had taken in a stray dog that was wandering, it stayed with us for the Christmas holiday and then we found his family shortly after.
Cindy Kirby
My favorite holiday memory would be the year our daughter was born her birthday is December 21st and it was so special they even brought her to me in a holiday stocking.
Caroline Lozinski
My favourite Christmas memory is the year we were able to spend the holiday with my grandparents. It was the only year we ever did and it was magical ! Huge family breakfast , waffles with chocolate chips and strawberries made by my grandad ! Opening Gifts with tons of cousins . My grandad and uncle took us all skating that night on a huge canal , it was dark but all the surrounding trees were covered in twinkling lights ! The memory comes back to me every Christmas and brings a warmth into my heart ❤️ and it was 45 years ago .
Anthony Castro
My favourite Christmas memory is of the first Christmas 4 years ago when our autistic son truly understood and was excited about Christmas. Everything was magical and he was so elated about the whole experience and didn’t get overwhelmed by all of it. Christmas is now one of his favourite times of year (and ours too!)
Dan Varley
Best memory was the Christmas vacation in Palm Springs, California. Nothing but sunshine!
Alison Braidwood
My mum and I got a severe case of the giggles in church at a Christmas candlelight service when I was about 16. Still my favourite memory. (We had to sneak out in disgrace).
My favourite memory was attending my dear cousin’s wedding over Christmas 10 years ago. It was in Bali and was so romantic. Every one was teary-eyed.
Umar Afaq
Best memories for Christmas were as kid. I used to get so many presents. Those were the days.
Visiting my grandparents house Christmas morning. That awful white christmas tree… I cannot help but remember it fondly!
Spending time with my extend family and cooking dinner
Rukhsana S
Favourite Christmas memory is getting a barbie doll set as a child
Asaad Bajwa
One of my best memories was taking a road trip to Chicago to spend the Christmas holidays with my cousins
My favourite Christmas memory is the one where I met my wife many years ago at a holiday party 🙂
Lee-Ann J
Christmas 1993. I told my dad he was finally going to be a grandfather. He was super thrilled! He passed away 3 weeks later.
Mike Flaman
My great uncle used to come as Santa Claus – really cool guy.
Karin Yoseti
We had a really big family union for Christmas in 2010. It was the jolliest Christmas I’ve been a part of.
Jenn (@jennerinyvr)
The first Christmas that my dad was able to spend with us! We skipped my aunt’s annual party and decided to have our own little feast. It was simple but it was the first time we were able to cook together and have a cozy Christmas dinner at home.
Karrim Rahaman
One Christmas I handed out home made meals to the homeless alongside some of my high school friends. It felt amazing to be in the giving mood.
My favourite Christmas memory was when we got our puppy!
Fave memory was getting a Super Nintendo and Donkey Kong game when I was in Grade 4
roz rubinoff
Favourite memory was helping my grandmother bake her traditional deserts ..the scent and the anticipation of something delicious!
tracy k
after moving across the country, i flew home to surprise my parents one Christmas
My favourite memory was our trip to San Diego one Christmas. It was nice and warm.
Sohail Qaiser
Best memory was eating my grandma’s famous Christmas dinner. She is no longer with us, but her spirit is always with us during the holidays.
Tammy Mitchell
My favorite Christmas memory, was my first Christmas as a new mom. Life-changing moment.
Florence Cochrane
My Dad (Santa) tripped in the attic and put a hole in the ceiling. Mom telling us to get back to bed Santa was here. Yes big hole and I showed it to everyone who visited that year with the story that Santa did it.
Branka Stefanovic
My favorite Christmas was revealing my pregnancy to my family… that was 32 years ago 😉
Christine Faria
My favourite Christmas memory was putting up the tree with my grandma every year
Kelly Krol
Chasing the cat around the house because she ate tinsel and it was hanging out if her bum! #myjobeveryyear
S.J.Y. (소정) (@sjngyoo)
My favorite Christmas memory is going to ski resort with family. It’s full of activities and laughters.. I miss that <3
Maegan Morin
My favorite Christmas memory was my first Christmas with my husband. We just had a such a nice time together. I wouldnt trade it for anything.
Ronda MacKinnon
With each phone I get, I try to get the perfect camera to make family memories…it always seems to be one step ahead if my free upgrade! Maybe this will be my opportunity to own that perfect camera phone! Merry Christmas!! ❤️✌????
Amanda Masters
My favourite Christmas memory was running through Heathrow on Christmas night to give my husband the biggest hug and kiss when I met him at the arrival gate. Most special Christmas of my life, I fell in love with England that trip.
Dani (@Dani__etc)
Christmas dinners with my great-grandma and great-aunts is my treasured memory.
Darrah Bailey
My fave Christmas memory is when my hubby proposed to me.. was a VERY special year for me. ?
Wanda B
My favourite Christmas memory is seeing our sons in their first Christmas play at school.
Julie F
We spent one Christmas in Australia and it was really strange having a carol service on Bondi Beach, I prefer a cold Christmas!
Diane T
christmas at my grandma’s every year!
Julie Anne Chabot
This awesome ? Huawei contest is making me dream of taking spectacular photos with it’s triple camera ! Thanks ?? for this opportunity ! @lifeinpleasantville #HolidaysWithHuawei ???????????☺️
Heather Tobin
My favourite Christmas memory is when my husband proposed to me.
Trisha Pedros
I have someone great holiday memories but the best or funniest was when the kids were little Xmas Eve and I forgot cookies and don’t like milk so convinced them Santa would love vino with cheese & crackers! It became a tradition so now they tell their kids Santa prefers vino too!! Merry Christmas ? & Good luck beautiful people!!
Lester C
first christmas with my girlfriend
Fathima S
My best christmas memory was going to Disney land and universal studios with my family.
Spending time with my family
My favourite Christmas involves me spending 6 hours trying to put together an easel for my son.
Krista M
We only got to see our grandfather every few years so my favorite Christmas was the year he travelled to spend it with us. He handed out the gifts to us all, he helped put my new toys together & we all did the limbo dance that night!
Receiving my first pair of skates as a little girl 🙂
Andy Jas
Best memory was watching Home Alone the night before and being the last one to wake up and last one to unwrap my presents.
Colin Nembard
I love every Christmas. It’s my favourite time because I can indulge in the best meals ever.
Best Christmas memory was my son’s reaction when I gifted him an iPod Touch. He was the most ecstatic I have ever seen him.
Belinda McNabb
my best memory is waking up christmas morning when I was young and at my grandparents. Falling asleep and anxious for santa and presents and the excitement to wake up and find he had come.
My favourite Christmas memory was finding my Christmas gift in my Mom’s closet. It was a Barbie camper. I went in the closet everyday to play with it until Christmas. I really couldn’t wait….LOL. I acted very excited on Christmas Day.
Brenda Penton
My favourite Christmas memory is going to my grandmother’s house for Christmas dinner.
Paul A
My favourite Christmas memory is celebrating with my wife and son on his first Christmas
Jackie M
Our annual Christmas baking! Always bake a lot of cookies to give as gifts.
Anthony Aseerv
Fav memory is when everyone in our extended family got together for Christmas which had not happened in a while
Jenny B
My favourite memory is when my family hosted Christmas dinner at our house for the first time. I felt like such a little helper helping my mom and aunts get the dinner ready, and getting to see my cousins. I really felt in my element! It was very fun to see family enjoying time at our house.
Erin N
My favourite Christmas memory was last Christmas, spent my my sister and nephews. It was so much fun and we made such wonderful memories <3 Merry Christmas!
My favorite Christmas memory is surprising my family with a visit back after being away for 3 years living abroad. I knew everyone would be happy, but I never realized how much it would mean for me too.
Leah E
My husband and I spent last Christmas in London. We had the best Indian food that night; it was very memorable!
Lisa L
My favorite Christmas memory is our first Christmas as parents. It felt so different for us being parents, but at the same time our family felt complete. We started our little family traditions right away!
Lushka Smith
My favourite Christmas memory was when we went to Florida and stayed in a huge 5000 sq foot house (that was available through a work perk)
Stanley C
When I mixed up the gift opening order when handing them to my son and he started to smile when he saw a Nintendo DS case, so he knew that the next present would have a Nintendo DS.
The first Christmas my dad got me a hockey stick, and we got to play ice hockey with the neighbours the next day.
Chloe C.
My favourite Christmas memory is the first white Christmas I experienced as a child. It was the cherry on top for me. I remember that Christmas feeling like a movie for me! it felt so homey being indoors at night with my family, and building snowmen in the morning with my siblings.