If you had asked me at the beginning of this pandemic what the most popular food in my house was going to be I would have said potato chips. So nobody, I seriously mean NOBODY was more surprised than me to have Air Fryer Brussels Sprouts be the the clear winner.

But when you repeatedly hear “Can you make those air fryer Brussels Sprouts again?” from teenagers, it becomes abundantly clear that 2020 is officially the weirdest year ever. In fact, I’m pretty sure my daughters have been taken my UFOS and replaced with these nearly identical replicates who crave vegetables over junk food.

To be honest, my first attempt at these air fryer Brussels Sprouts was selfishly motivated. I missed eating out, and more importantly I missed Brussels Sprouts from Bazille at Nordstrom. Thankfully, in what can only be classified as the best timing ever, I was sent a Breville Combi Wave 3-in-1 just days before we went into lockdown to test.

The Combi Wave 3 in 1, combines an Air Fryer, Convection Oven, and Microwave in one appliance. Normally I’d be skeptical of any appliance that tried to do too much, but I’d recently tried out the Breville Bluicer and was blown away by how effectively Breville combined a juicer and blender, that I put my misgivings aside and jumped in testing it.

Entering into this pandemic I’ll admit I was genuinely freaked out about food. Mostly, how do I go as long as possible without going to the grocery store and still eat fresh food. So I started to look for produce that would not perish quickly. Enter Brussels Sprouts, which can last for up to 5 days in the fridge and my love for the Bazille recipe so much and voila!, a reasonable cover.

Truth be known this recipe is actually better for you, since I’m sure the Brussels Sprouts at Nordstrom are deep friend, and air frying food is much better for your health, and added bonus, it’s meatless. Nordstrom’s recipe has sausage in it. So for once in a blue moon, go to Nordstrom and for a weekly side dish, make this recipe for air fryer brussels sprouts.

Air Fryer Brussels Sprouts
- 1.5 pounds Brussels Sprouts
- 1 tbsp extra light olive oil
- 3 tbsp maple syrup
- 3 tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce
- 1 tbsp sambal oelek
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- salt and pepper to taste
Wash Brussels Sprouts, remove stem and cut in half
Toss Brussels Sprouts with Olive Oil in large bowl
Preheat Breville Combi Wave 3-in-1 Air Fryer to 450F and set timer for 30 minutes
When Breville Combi Wave is at temp, add Brussels Sprouts to pan and start
Toss Brussels Sprouts every ten minutes or so until browned and crisped to your liking
While Brussels Sprouts are cooking, combine maple syrup, soy sauce, sambal oelek, garlic, and lemon juice in small saucepan and heat over medium heat until reduced slightly and thickened.
When Brussels Sprouts are browned to your liking, remove pan from Breville Combi Wave and pour sauce over and toss. Serve immediately.

So here’s what I’ve discovered about grocery shopping and cooking in a pandemic world.
- I like grocery shopping once a week. It saves me money
- I waste less way less food this way.
- I plan my meals more efficiently now that I shop less.
- I eat healthier and bring temptations into the house less.
- Brussels Sprouts might be better than french fries. I need more time to test.
- My Breville 3-in-1 Combiwave is my new favourite appliance.