I love Ford Flex and I don’t care who knows it. In fact, there was only one thought coursing through my brain when I took it for a test drive late this August. How far could I get before they noticed I wasn’t coming back with it?
Dreams of cruising down Route 66 filled my brain and I was giddy. Giddy I tell you. You see, the kind people at Ford Ottawa let me test drive this baby once before and I fell in love with it, but never wrote a post. I’m part slacker, part evil genius. They let me test drive it again! Mwahahahahaha.
The first time I test drove the Ford Flex the deal was sealed. This was the car I was officially lusting after. The second time I drove one? Well, that’s when my plans of running away with it and living happily ever after were hatched.
I never really thought much of the Flex before I had driven one. It seemed kind of boxy to me. I didn’t see the draw and why so many people were driving them. You need to park your butt inside a Flex to understand.
This is by far the most comfortable vehicle I’ve ever driven, and I’m not just talking great seats. No, there is comfort in that blind spots are practically non-existent. Comfort in backing up and having the rear view camera to assist you. Comfort in USB plugs in the back for tech obsessed children. Comfort in sunroofs that let the wind blow through your hair. Comfort in having enough room for minions and their wee friends. Comfort in heated seats for cold tushies. This is Canada after all. No, the Ford Flex is like stepping into a giant bear hug. Bet you never hear a car reviewer say that before. Well, as it happens I’m not a professional car reviewer. I’m a woman on the hunt for her perfect vehicle and the Ford Flex is at the top of my list.
There’s always an exception, right? With the Ford Flex, the gas mileage is 17 MPG in the city, which is not one iota better than my much maligned mini-van. This makes me a sad panda because I want the Ford Flex so much, I’m almost tempted to toss my quest for a fuel-efficient vehicle aside, except that my wallet won’t let me. My question to Ford is, can you make this in a diesel?
For now, it’s my lottery car. If I win the lottery I’m buying this baby. Not a Maserati or a Ferrari, but the Ford Flex because it is my dream car. And sometimes when I’m pining for the Ford Flex I go spend some time watching this. Sigh.
OMG! Me too! I live in the United States, and I never had the opportunity to test drive one, but every time I see them on the road, especially in the bright white color, I want one! I do not have any kids, which I understand why people with children would want this vehicle due to all the room inside, but even though it is just me, I love it! This is my vehicle of choice if I win the lottery too! LOL! P.S. I love the Range Rover also! Toss up!