I woke up this morning to find out that I was the victim of a meme! D’oh! Anyway as it happens this little meme was a delight because it took me down memory lane and that’s always a fun trip. So I am taking part in HostelBookers 7 Super Shots because my dear friend Heather invited me to join her. Her pictures are WAY better than mine, so make sure you check them out.
A Photo….that takes my breath away

A Photo….that makes me laugh of smile

A Photo….that makes me dream

A Photo….that makes me think

A Photo….that makes my mouth water

A Photo….that tells a story

A Photo….I am most proud of (National Georgraphic Worthy)

And now for my meme victims. Mwahahahahaha. I’m going to call on a couple of new bloggers I think you should take the time to know:
Jack Straw Lane follow her @jackstrawlane
The Space Between Raindrops follow her @micheskitchen
And three “older” bloggers I think will have some incredible pictures to share:
Postcards from The Mothership follow her @danigirl
PhD In Parenting follow her @phdinparenting
CL Buchanan Photography follow her @clbuchanan
You can find all the guidelines here for your post ladies. *laughing maniacally*
Hard not to love the one of the school in Jamaica. I could instantly imagine one girl simply approaching the other and just wanting to play in that particular “we’re just kids, we like to play. Easy.” way. Don’t know if that’s -exactly- how it went of course, but that’s what I imagine. 🙂
The Disney one doesn’t need to be a technically ‘great’ shot for it to be simply wonderful. Can’t wait to see how my children will be as siblings (second is on the way…).
Actually Greg, that’s pretty much how it happened in Jamaica. Made my heart melt. Children have such pure hearts.
I questioned putting the Disney one in. It was taken with my phone, the lighting is bad, it’s a little blurry and yet love just ooozes out of it. Congrats on your second. You’ll revel in the moments when they bond like that.
Your pictures kicked my pictures butt. Seriously. Love them all!  I’m also impressed with how quickly you got yours up. *cough* showoff *cough*. Love ya Candace! 🙂
I love this meme!! I’ve been meming, ah, meaning to sort through my photos for ages. I’m doing this.