There is a lot going on in the world this month. Harvey, Irma, Jose, flooding and earthquakes in sad abundance the world over, and of course the Great American Cheeto is still in office making America grate again, mostly on the rest of the world’s last nerve.
All of these world events are the bread and butter of social media these days, and it has become a go-to place for information and news now, instead of reputable news sources–which, admittedly, seem to be decreasing by the minute. The ubiquitous wall of people’s opinions about said events on our social channels creates information overload, and when that happens it’s really hard to come away with any sense of hope or optimism.
It’s when those diminished feelings of hope and optimism start to affect our lives, families, and daily routines that self-care becomes more important than ever. That being said, taking time for self-care while we’re managing our daily life routines is sometimes easier said than done. I’m not talking about taking three hours to go to the spa (or, maybe I am??) when you have preschoolers at home (ok, if you have more than one at home I definitely recommend three hours at the spa!), but there are a lot of little ways to drown out the negativity in our lives without dropping the ball on our priorities. Here a few suggestions to get you on your way.
Drop the iPhone, tablet, computer, and turn off the television; silence the constant wall of information (read: screamed opinions) that is always coming at us full throttle. Take a book out to your deck, sit on the floor and colour with your kids, eat dinner together without electronics. Take the kid and the cat for a walk, go to the park. If part of your work is social media, then set aside time to unplug and get away from it, and do not let anyone talk you out of that time away (there are laws about work breaks, so take them!). The endless stream of noise in our heads can be drowned out, if we fill them with other, more positive noises.
Fulfill A Passion
Not like that, but totally like that if that’s what helps you!! Pick a time during your waking hours to devote completely to something you love. Whether that is reading to your child or throwing axes in your backyard, if it’s what fills your bucket then get to it. Whether it’s ten minutes a day or an hour, spend that time doing something just for you. You can’t serve others from an empty cup, right?
Find Your Gratitude
No matter what is going on in our lives, there is always someone elsewhere worse off than us–always. Look for the beauty in the mundane, and the excitement in the calm; it’s there, if you are looking for it. The universe gives you the life it gives you, it is up to you to choose gratitude and make the best of it; and the best is usually right where you are.
Take Care of Business
If something in your life is getting you down, the decide how long you will devote to feeling poor-me about it, then get up and resolve it or take steps to get the ball rolling towards resolution. Nothing feels as good as kicking ass and taking names, especially if you are doing it about something that has been contributing to the negative noise levels. You never know what the universe has in store for you until you start minding the store, you know?
Do Some Good
I know it feels like there is so little good in the world right now, but it’s not true. So many people are speaking out against what is bad, and that is incredibly amazing. So join in, speak up, and do something good. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture–take that box of toys collecting dust in your basement and donate it to a women’s shelter. Pay for someone’s coffee at the drive-thru. Help an elderly neighbor with their yard work. Volunteer at an animal shelter. It doesn’t matter what good you do, it’s that you just do something good. Giving back to your community fills the heart like you wouldn’t believe.
There is so much negative happening in the world. We cannot control the storms that come our way, literally and figuratively; we can only control our reactions. Instead of adding to the negative, send out the positive.
These little things might not solve the world’s problems, but…imagine what this world would look and sound like if we all did these things every day?
Editor’s note: Here’s some puppies because we care.
What a great post! I love all the ideas even though I don’t have kids at home anymore. My office is in my house and sometimes I have to remember to get out and be with people!